The Devouring Wrath
Spring Summer 2024
This collection is an exploration of the journey seen in early adulthood the great clash between what you believed and what you will come to know. In our younger years the world we perceive is born of our ideals and fantasies, kept alive by the grace of our naivety. However as we start to progress into a more sober experience of the world we are confronted with a conflict between are idealism and despair-inducing realities. Time and time again one sees that which they thought was right be crushed, that which they deserve be kept out of our reach, and slowly the idea creeps in that they they wrong all along, that the world and the people who fill it may not be judged as good. As the world you believed in reflected your inner sweetness, now the world you have come to know will shape you instead. Hence a dark enlightenment is achieved, to know the truth of the world and wish you did not. Imagery for these ideas was created by looking at secondary research such as Greek Mythology, Adam and Eve, and Carmilla. This collection explores these themes true the development of colour and design elements, starting with a sense of softness and ending on a darker sharper note. The sculptural structure applied allowed for the creation of very defined, powerful garments, supported by an unyielding focus on quality ,accepting nothing but the closest one could get to perfection. This was achieved through the use of high-quality fabrics such as silks and cotton and days of intricate sewing per garment.